What Would You Do? (Married a Soldier)
Sheet music for Treble Clef Instrument

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What Would You Do? (Married a Soldier)

What Would You Do If You Married a Soldier?

Oh, what would you do if you married a soldier?
"What would I do but to follow the gun?"
And what would you do if he died on the ocean?
"What would I do but to marry again?"

cho: A rout the da dee the dum diddly da dum,
A rout the da doubt the da diddly da dum,
Da da diddly da dum, da dee, da dum
Da diddly da dee, da diddly da dum.

And what would you do if the kettle boiled over?
"What would I do but to fill it again?"
And what would you do if the caws ate the clover?
"What would I do but to set it again?"

The praties are dug and the frost is all over
Kitty lie over, next to the wall,
The summer is come and we're all in the clover
Kitty lie over, next to the wall.

tune: The Praties are Dug
Recorded by Clancys

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About 'What Would You Do? (Married a Soldier)'

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Traditional Music of unknown author.

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