
Beethoven is really a great composer. This is one my favorite pieces from the great pianist.
Hey! This is a great piece to use when teaching arpeggios to your students.
12 years ago

very nice
12 years ago

I spent the last month looking for a nice interpretation of this song, and i found it very hard. There are lots of different interpretations, and I thought that something was missing in each one of them.
This was the best I';ve found:
I hope it hepls you
13 years ago

Why can';t I download the midi file for this song?
13 years ago

This Song is pretty! But it keeps going on and on! I have had to play this one before! Its so pretty!
13 years ago

This music is relaxing and peaceful to hear

14 years ago

this is great but i like chopins prelude in eminor opus. 28 #4 better.
From, musicluvver!

14 years ago

i luv this song!!!!
14 years ago

best 1 ever !
15 years ago

This is one of my favorite classical songs! It is my favorite from Beethoven and I just love it. Actually, the first time I listened to it was when I was watching a goosebumps episode on CartoonNetwork and the song was so nice.
15 years ago

How do you view the sheet music?? I don';t get how this site works >;.<;
15 years ago

This is one of the first songs I';ve ever ever heard by Beethoven, and my favorite. I really do wish it was slower, though.
15 years ago

The Monlight Sonata is one of my favs!!
Beethoven is simply more at this level though im attempting everything in advanced.the advanced is usually the original and all.....and when u play sumthing its best to play the original.
i simply appreciate this amazing musician.
17 years ago

this is no doubt a beautiful piece, i dont play it at this level however, i play it at the advanced, and i must say, its very addictive to play. i truly honor this composer and his work
17 years ago

That's way too fast.
17 years ago

sounds beter with flute, clarinet,ect...
18 years ago

The example you have posted as the theme for this peice is not the theme. What you do have there is the opening measures of the "Moonlight Sonata" and it is written in the key you have posted, c# minor. In your Info list you state
N.B. The theme shown is not necessarily in the key we use for our version of this piece.

Necessarily, why not keep it in the key the composer wrote it in?

18 years ago

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