Krieger, Johann Philipp - Biography


Krieger, Johann Philipp Biography

German composer. Studied as a boy with Drechsel and G. Schütz in Nuremberg, and in Copenhagen for about five years in his teens as a pupil of Schröder and Förster. Served as organist at Bayreuth and possibly Zeitz upon his return, while the Nuremberg Council promised him the first available position. Traveled to Italy in 1673, studying in Venice with Rosenmüller and Volpe and in Rome with Abbatini and Pasquini ; played before Leopold I at Vienna, who ennobled him in 1675. After a short time in Bayreuth he visited Frankfurt and Kassel, refusing offers in both places; named chamber musician and organist at Halle in 1677, he became Vice-Kapellmeister in 1678 and Kapellmeister when the Court moved to Weissenfels in 1680. The court musical establishment soon became among the best in Germany; a catalog of vocal works performed there lists over 2,000 of Krieger's compositions along with hundreds more by his brother Johann and other German and Italian composers. He also wrote keyboard music, trio sonatas, and operas.

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