Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    17:04 on Monday, June 19, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I practice about 3 hours a day. My fave song at the mo has to the "aqua harp" I learnt that one by ear. That's the site I found it on. I've also bought both the DVDs. I highly recommend them

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    17:07 on Monday, June 19, 2006          

(14 points)
Posted by Bsjunior

cool!!! are the dvds about teaching you how to play it as well??

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    17:22 on Monday, June 19, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

They're nothing to do with piano. They're just awesome music videos. Have a look

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    20:15 on Monday, June 19, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by swiirly14

hey, i checked out the but it wouldn't load onto the page so i can click on "Pianist" and so on. Is there any other site where I can find free piano notes for Unfaithful?

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    22:12 on Monday, June 19, 2006          

(17 points)
Posted by zergone

I play just for fun a couple of time per week and try to learn new song like one every year lol so it's more for the joy of playing than being professional. My favorite song would be "To Zanarkand" from final fantasy 10. I would like to play a lot more but the thing is that it take me almost one full day to read one page so sometime I get bored befor completing the song lol ^-^

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    06:22 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I like to play for fun too, but I'm going to teach music for a career, so I have to take with with some seriousness too.

That website is the only place to get the free sheet music. I'm sorting out the bandwidth problems shortly. It should not happen again after this week if all goes to plan. Sorry about the wait, but you're just going to have to be patient if you want it for free.

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    08:28 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(14 points)
Posted by Bsjunior

Same here I like to play for fun too, when I got into a band I had to take it seious though but it was cool, I had a great time. I think its great that you want to become a music teacher. good on ya. In England in most schools u dont really need a qualification to become a music teacher you just have to do the one year teacher training course then you can start teaching anywhere anything. I like to play a song called 'Beyond the waters'. an instrumental composed by a friend of mine who is much more experienced than me.

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    08:30 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(14 points)
Posted by Bsjunior

thanks for lettin me know about the progress o the website, its ok you can let me know whenever you get it sorted. Im gona try by ear, somthin im not particularly good at but try. how do you do it?

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    08:31 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I don't know whether I want to be teaching in school or privatley yet though. If you teach musicin school you get a lower salary than if you teach piano privatley. But you have to keep your busniess going if you teach privatley. & from what I've heard, teaching in school is a LOT more hard work

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    08:33 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I go over the same part of the track over & over again while tryin g to find the key notes out. Then you pause it for a sec & practice what you've picked up, listen to the track again to see if it fits, & just keep gong over it like that & gradually getting into more & more detail while listening

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    22:40 on Tuesday, June 20, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by PinkBunnies

If you get your bandwith problem sorted out please notify my or if you wouldnt mind please send it to me @


Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    20:13 on Wednesday, June 21, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by GymChick888

When are you gonna get your website working

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    04:23 on Thursday, June 22, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I have no idea. I hope it will be this week if all goes well, but I doubt it will. It may be next week. In fact, I've just had an idea while writing this post, so it will be up in a few hours

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    07:41 on Thursday, June 22, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by Benmalik

hello everybody!
this song is beautiful and your website don't work
Can you send the sheet to my email please?

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    13:35 on Thursday, June 22, 2006          

(15 points)
Posted by camrae324

hey does anyone know where i can find the sheet music for boston by augustana? its one of the most beautiful songs that ive ever heard, I REALLY WANT IT. and im to lazy to figure it out by ear.


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