Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    00:24 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(3 points)
Posted by Deviatorz

can someone please send me the spreed sheet as well? lol i kow i signed up for this, but i really do like this song, as well as others too.

email is

thanks in advanced

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    04:51 on Friday, June 30, 2006          


they have it on as an internet download...

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    07:36 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

I refuse to upload the one I'm currently writing now until i KNOW it's perfect. Every note will be right. I know it sounds kinda hard, but I ahve plenty of versions to hear & a good ear to listen with

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    10:49 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by sysrq

I have found the perfect sheet music for rihanne-unfaithful on This is a german site where files (.exe, .mp3, .pdf ...) can be uploaded and downloaded for free.

Here the instruction to download it:
1. go to
2. scroll down and click on the 'FREE' button
3. a counter appear in the middle of the page for about 20 seconds (you have to enable JavaScript, i you don't know what I mean
4. after 20 seconds a small picture with a code appear, write this code in the formular and click on 'Download via Netz-Mirror ...'
5. the download starts automatically

Hope this will help you all. robwasripped, your site seems to be down, but now this isn't a problem anymore because now i have found the perfect sheet music for rihanna-unfaithful.

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    11:17 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

That's not the perfect sheet music at all. It's the version I bought that I had on my site, but is now taken off. THanks for trying to help, but, like most of us (including me) it's wrong. Hence the reason I'm working to try & write the perfect sheet music

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    14:50 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(17 points)
Posted by zergone

Hopefully it will not be to hard and long (take your time to make it right) to find the rights notes and melody because this song is totaly worth it.

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    14:54 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

Im not gettin the melody... that'd just be tedious because it's so easy to hear that bit. I might add it on as an additional download once I've finished the piano solo. Or actually, the music I payed & downloaded for does actually have the seperate melody line on it, so I'll just add that on when I'm done. I'm doing pretty well so far. I've written up to half way through the chorus. Once I've Finished that bit, it's just a matter of copying & pasting for the next few minutes of the song & writing the complicated chorus bit nearer the end. That might be a bugger, but I'm sure I'll get through fine. I might get this done in just a few days! Why did it take so long to find the sheet music online, which wasn't even right? It's not particularly that hard

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    15:15 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(17 points)
Posted by zergone

Ya maby for you note that hard lol but for me it's impossible to figure it out by ear. Ya I can do the melody but it's only one note so it you'll be awesome to add some accords to it and even more notes. I dont know I'll wait for you because I can't come up with anything lol

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    16:52 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

At the moment I just want to write the exact piano section, since that's what everyone is after. THen I might start working on the extra, or I could leave that to other people & offer the hosting of it on my site so that when people go after the exact sheet music, they'll notice theirs & maybe download that too

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    23:59 on Friday, June 30, 2006          

(3 points)
Posted by shay_na27

heya thanks guys for workin on this..i cant wait til you have it done!

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    04:08 on Saturday, July 1, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by lovebytes

hey could someone send the finished version (or the transcripted version) to: that'd be great. THANKS SO MUCH!

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    10:55 on Sunday, July 2, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by marysia

it's sooo easy!!

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    10:57 on Sunday, July 2, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by marysia

I can play it without any sheetmusic :S

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    11:09 on Sunday, July 2, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by ski_chica2010

Does anybody have the song with the words writen in it too? Because I'm not the best at playing piano...but I can usually get it if I know where I am in the song. So if anybody has the words on theirs could you email it to me at...

...that would be SOOO great! Thanks in advance.

Re: Rihanna - Unfaithful (heeeeeeeeeeelp!!!)    12:14 on Sunday, July 2, 2006          

(59 points)
Posted by robwasripped

Just to make a point clear, I'm not emailing this sheet music to anyone when I finally get it finished. They will have to go on my site & download it, so if anyone wants the practically perfect sheet music, then they're going to have to do more than just leave their email in a post & just forget about it for a while. I might have this done by tonight, but one section is really bugging me & I can't get it right


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