Lost in a CRAZY CELLO WORLD....HELP!!!!    19:09 on Wednesday, August 27, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Ok. I am really confused. I dont know what the heack a octavie is, I dont get all these stupid freaking postions, and I dont NOT AT TALL GET MY scales at all. I need to pass off the follwing: C-scale, C-thirds, C- arpeggio (what is a arpeggio????) G scale G- thirds, (what does that mean thirds), G arpegg., D scale, D thirds, D arpegg., A scale, A thirds, A Arpegg., E scale, E thirds, E arpegg., B scale, B thirds, B argepegg. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel really stpid all the people on this site could probley play this blindfolded, all I want to do is let it sound....right.

Re: Lost in a CRAZY CELLO WORLD....HELP!!!!    20:51 on Thursday, October 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

ok ummm i`m not exactly goin in order of ur questions but i`ll answer a few.... arpegios are scales that go up in thirds, an octave is 8 notes....like u start on B then go C D E F G A and B again that`s an example of an octave, And are you doing major scales, thirds, and arpegios or minor??

Re: Lost in a CRAZY CELLO WORLD....HELP!!!!    22:11 on Thursday, October 16, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

An octave is the closest distance between 2 notes of the same name.
Different positions are just moving your hand up the string to allow you to get higher notes.
Scales are just patterns of notes.
Semitone= the distance between one note and the one right next to it, eg C and C#.
Tone= 2 semitones eg between D and E
The pattern for a major scale (distances between notes) is
Thus the C major scale would be
And E would be
E F# G# A B C# D# E
An interval is the distance between two notes. You work it out by counting the number of notes in the interval, so between C and E would be C, D, E, making a 3rd, and between D and A would be D, E, F, G, A, making a 5th. Scales in 3rds are played by playing each note of the scale, then the note a 3rd above it, eg C, E, D, F, E, G, F, A, G, B, A, C, B, D, C, A, B, G, A, F, G, E, F, D, E,C ,D B, C

An arpeggio is formed by playing the notes of the tonic chord (the chord based on the first note) of the scale. You work this out by taking the first note of the scale, then the 3rd, then the 5th, then the octave (8th note), so a C major arpeggio would be C E G top C.

Print this out, take it to your teacher, and ask WHY THE FRIGGING HELL HE/SHE HASN`T TAUGHT YOU THIS STUFF


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