proper mouth technique

proper mouth technique    19:25 on Monday, November 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Help! I`m a beginning student at the flute--self taught at the moment, and having a lot of trouble with what I`ve heard termed l`embouchement, or mouth shape/technique? Anyway, I`m sure I`m not blowing properly or I`d get those low and high notes better. There`s too much air sound, too weak or no sound sometimes. Sometimes I do OK but I don`t even know why. Can anybody give me some pointers or direct me to a site where I could see some pictures of/tips for proper techinique? Thanks!

Re: proper mouth technique    16:33 on Sunday, January 4, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts
When you first start trying to make a sound on the flute use only the head joint and cover the open end with your right hand and hold the left end with your left hand. Try to have "warm air" by opening up your throat. think of blowing half of the air into the hole and half out, or a tiny bit more than half in, but not all of it in. Make sure to keep the corners of your mouth tight kind of like smiling, but don`t tighten your cheeks.


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