(Anselmo D. Castillo)
I have been playing the clarinet for about three years now. I had started out with an old Bundy plastic student model. It was easy to play and sounded great but after so long, it deteriorated to a point of unplayability. I decided I must go and purchase a new clarinet. I found the newest model of Selmer Omega Wooden Clarnets for the intermediate player. It was far louder than the old plastique but the tone was much more airy and when I would finger many of the LOWER notes with the R-4 key, I would get a horrid, airy sound. I was overall displeased with the tone, especially considering that it costed $1200 (brand new). I still have the Omega and I am wondering if it should be taken in for checkups or are the Omega (USA) models just bad ?!? PLEASE HELP ME .....