any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
15:47 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
In my upper register some of my biggest problem areas are the high f# and c. I can play chromatically up or down to the high f# and every other note is fine, but the high f# is hard to produce, cracks and is very airy (and i`ve been asuured that there is nothing wrong with my flute). also the high c on my flute is very difficult to produce (jupiter 711). i have a high c facilitator, but it is very hard for my pinky to reach, especially when playing chromatically coming off the high b natural. any suggestions?
also any general tips for chaminade`s concertino? any hints on counting the septuplets or the low e to low c# fingering?
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
16:49 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
lauren, practice many tone and technique exercises involving the upper register and you will improve (feel free to email me directly for some exercises)
try playing high c with the little finger up on the right hand or depress the low c key.
in the Chaminade, the low e to c# can be improved by doing some exercises with those low intervals, also make sure your little finger has some grease on it
the septuplets can be played more evenly if you subdivide them on the quarter notes before hand
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
19:13 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
Lauren, having trouble with that F# that is the nature of the beast on flutes just about any flute. Rest assure, it is not the brand that you play. It would sure be nice if they came out with a flute with a split F# like they have the split E if someone hasn`t already.
It will help a lot if you follow Patrick`s advice on doing some of those exercises and will become easier in time.
As for the C that you are referring to, I find that easier to get on a C foot flute. It also vary`s from make or model of flute in how hard or easy it is to produce.
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
19:22 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
good advice Kara, I play a c foot and agree with you about high c, I usually depress the low c key. The selling point with many dealers and music stores for a low b is that it makes high c easier to play, but that is not always the case, especially when you go to europe or asia and they all play c foot
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
23:30 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
...and you wouldn`t need a gizmo key in the first place if you just had the C foot to begin with.
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
09:27 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
Kara you are the best. Girl, I just love you, and your great advice. One day i hope to be as good as you.
Re: any tips for high f# or c or chaminade?
12:24 on Sunday, November 13, 2005