Enesco`s Cantabile et Presto

Enesco`s Cantabile et Presto    13:25 on Wednesday, November 23, 2005          
(Scott K.)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Everyone,

I have a question about articulation in the Cantabile et Presto. Starting
In measure 98 with the Ab, would you actually slur two then tongue the first
note of the next two? In all of the recordings that i`ve heard, the
performers have just slurred all of the passage or that`s how it seems to
me. Is it just legato tonguing because whenever I play it I can hear space
between the two sets of sixteenth notes, and I can`t hear this space
whenever I hear it performed. This two slurred sixteenth notes passage is
seen many times in this piece such as measure 109, measure 164, measure 168,
measure 172, and measure 188. Thanks for all of your input!

Re: Enesco`s Cantabile et Presto    05:07 on Thursday, November 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts


I would definately tongue the passage at ms 98 clearly as indicated and include the accents. Because of the slur on the last to the first pattern, it makes it harder and takes some time to get going properly. It should be clean and seperated to be properly done. Like the 16ths at the beginning of the presto. Leger means nimble. Low and double tongued takes some work.

The passage at ms 109 is legato tongued with the pairs beginning on the stronger part of the beat and should be a bit smoother.

The other examples that you gave are similar to ms. 98 in style. clear and seperated.

I can`t speak for the performances that you`ve heard but if I were performing this piece (Especially for a contest) I would try to make the articulation clean as indicated.



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