Re: Pet Peeves
12:23 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
"One example is a student who says that an Ab and a G# are the same note. They ARE NOT!"
I don`t know anything about flutes, but on a piano they both land on the same note.
14:47 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
They are ALMOST identical, but if a piano had separate keys for all the sharps, the flats, the double sharps and double flats, then it would not fit across the room, and you would need 1 foot fingers to play it.
Re: Pet Peeves
14:48 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Flute players whose life hardly exists outside the world of flute.
What bugs me
16:04 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
"Flute players whose life hardly exists outside the world of flute."
Excuse moi? I would live in the world of flute (if it wasn`t for the computer...:-)
What bugged me at the audition for band this year when people who have been playing the flute almost twice as long as me, I was better than them...and that they could not do the scale eighth, sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth, eighth. Instead they did it all quarter notes!! wonder they got lousy chairs...
20:04 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
"I don`t know anything about flutes, but on a piano they both land on the same note."
True, but if you play your flute with the equal temperament of a piano, you will be playing it out of tune.
The other issue (As an example) A person is playing in the key of A major. The person looks at the key signature and sees a G#. Thinks: "Same as Ab". The person will come to an A and invariably play an Ab when it should have been played as an A natural.
a musical one...
20:39 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
I have one that doesn`t involve grammar! How about those musicians who play in such an animated fashion that you fear for your life and those of the people around you? There`s a clarinetist in my band that really seems to be out-conducting the conductor, especially during fast, complicated passages. Horribly distracting, really! And her timing always appears off to boot.
02:20 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
If there is a conductor, then I see that as really insulting to the conductor.
In a theatre pit orchestra, you would need additional instrument insurance.
Done to excess, ANYWHERE, suggests that the playing is so poor that the player is resorting to a performance of dance to distract the audience form the flute playing. (Had to write that just for fun)
I know a player who was kicked out of a professional orchestra for repeatedly doing this.
03:00 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
A lot of people do it because they are feeling the music and are not even aware that they are doing it. I really don`t think they do it on purpose to draw attention to themselves. That would be rather embarrassing and I just couldn`t see someone doing that for that reason.
04:16 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
(Ed Ger)
We can "feel" all sorts of strong person `responses` while in public, but we have the self control not to necessarily act on them or show them!!! A lame excuse in my book.... It is all to do with either self control, or deliberate lack of control, or simply deliberate. IMO... :-)
04:50 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
Well, I move all the time when I play and catch myself doing it. I can`t sit still when I am doing anything though. My husband swears that I have ADD and I drive him crazy. Especially at the movies.
04:52 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
Have some tolerance, people. Musicans...ugh!!!
06:13 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
I guess the thing about emoting or moving with the music is that generally classical musicians tend to limit their amounts to what they think is tastefull. I remember one flutist who was actually comical to me with her motions and facial expressions during a recital. I dont know who decides how much motion is acceptable but it is perfectly fine when doing pop music and one is imitating Britney or Ozzie isn`t it? I mean that they promote their musis in every way that they can. Why not flutists?
pet peeves
07:30 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
Musical pet peeves:
Young musicians who think they are god`s gift when they know little tonothing about the real world and music as a career.
Non musical:
The RUssian language
People who don`t know that Scotland and England and Scottish and English are NOT THE SAME. See also: people who refer to Britain as England.
Americans who are not aware that we have TV in scotland because we actually invented it. This also applies to radio etc.
My horrendously bad spelling.
13:42 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
I get annoyed when flutists move too much when they play, gets in the way of the music, one should never require dramamine when watching a flute player
16:21 on Thursday, December 8, 2005
(Ed Ger)
"...should never require dramamine .." I like that!