Rust removal
18:36 on Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Re: Rust removal
00:57 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
(Ed Jerema)
Remove the pivot rods concerned, dismantling stack key clusters (i.e. B/Bb & F#/F/E/D) and trill key assembly, if they are involved.
Then best to spin each rod in a bench motor or equivalent while using very fine carborundum paper to remove rust.
The reassemble with appropriate lubrication.
Re: Rust removal
00:59 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
(Ed Jerema)
If you are lucky, and your pivots were kept adequately lubricated, then water may not een have entered the pivots.
In case anybody is thinking of it, DON`T WASH FLUTES!!!! - It will wreck the seating of the pads and more than likely wreck the pads.
Re: Rust removal
03:33 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
That reminds me of a story...
Last year when I was helping out a freind that owns a music store, he told a new employee to wash out an old used flute. He put the whole flute, with all theys and pads still on it, in the dish washer!! I laughed so hard!!
Let`s just say that people are not the brightest were I live. I will be happy to move and joint the regular society again.