Not sure of a note
Not sure of a note
19:59 on Saturday, January 7, 2006
I came across a note in band that i didnt know even excisted. It`s a high F flat and i have no idea what the fingering is for it. Anyone know?
Re: Not sure of a note
20:09 on Saturday, January 7, 2006
Okay Tiff, let`s go about this logically. Do you happen to play piano, or are you familiar with a keyboard? If you go to the "F" on a keyboard, what is the note just below it?
An F flat is the same fingering as an E.
Whenever you come across a situation like this, think about the keyboard.
Re: Not sure of a note
14:29 on Tuesday, January 10, 2006
It`s a good question that I wasn`t sure of when I first started flute. Your question deals with something called enharmonics. This is where one pitch can be written in different ways. When sight-reading, this can be difficult, but the more you run into these notes, the better you will recognize them. Fb is the same as E natural, A# is the same as Bb. Knowing the keys of a piano will definately help- it`s a visual representation of pitches that you play.