Does anyone knows anything about this particular flute, YFL-271? I've checked several sites, they have a list of flutes from the 200 series but no 271. Is it not made in Japan, that's why it's not listed?
Really appreciate it if there's any, ANY information about this flute... hee, danke!
Re: YAMAHA 271 ?! 17:29 on Thursday, March 30, 2006
YEH yeh yeh, thanks BOTH of you for the info!!! *hUGs* Hmmsz, Micron what does 442 means?
I've just started learning flute, maybe I should get this as my starting flute?! A friend of mine told me it's not necessary to get a split E mech though...
If I do advance from beginner, is this a pretty 'ok' choice for the next level? Danke!!!!!