advice from people
21:46 on Thursday, September 21, 2006
Re: advice from people
22:03 on Thursday, September 21, 2006
Re: advice from people
23:52 on Thursday, September 21, 2006
Flutist06 (1545 points)
Patrick's right if you want to pick up a transverse flute (technical term for sideways), start with either the fife or a concert flute, not piccolo. The fingerings on the piccolo are the same as on a concert flute, but unfortunately it is not as simple as using the side keys (probably what you're referring to are the trill keys) for accidentals. The Boehm flute (what you usually think of when you hear "flute" is quite a bit more complicated than that, and the fingerings change from register to register. I'm not so sure about your analysis of Baroque flutes and fifes having the same fingering system. I play fife too, and have played a little on a Baroque flute, but there are many different types of Baroque flutes (with anywhere from 1 to 13 keys), and thus many different fingering systems. The piccolo is very difficult to play (especially to play well), even for an experienced flutist, and IMHO, you should learn to play flute before you move to piccolo. If this doesn't seem interesting, I would go with fife. I hope that helps....If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
Re: advice from people
03:40 on Friday, September 22, 2006
Re: advice from people
04:45 on Friday, September 22, 2006
Leporello (152 points)
If you just want to try it out, I can recommend the Yamaha fife. This is a little plastic fife, which sells for about $10. It comes with a fingering chart, is widely available, and is regarded as a pretty good little instrument for the price. have a look at this site:
Although this primarily refers to kids, most of it is equally applicable to adults.
Re: advice from people
06:08 on Friday, September 22, 2006
Pickled (123 points)
As others have said, it really depends on the music you want to play.
I would never start on the piccolo. Plus, even if you do play it expertly, it probably may not give you the sound you want if you're playing it with a guitar accompaniment.
I second the idea of the baroque flute if you really want to add something that complements your recorder playing. Of course, you CAN play baroque music on a regular old silver flute, so that's not a bad choice either.
If you're interested in the fife, make sure you do some research. Mine is a military Bb fife, which is a very shrill instrument (yes, JoeB, it is WORSE than the piccolo). But, there are many different types/models of fifes, some more suited to concert repertoire. There are 6 and 10 hole fifes, and there are some keyed models available.
Also, wooden Irish flute is something you might want to look into as well. I don't have one and haven't researched them, but they are fairly widely available, with lots of information out there on learning to play.
Re: advice from people
06:20 on Friday, September 22, 2006
Re: advice from people
06:21 on Friday, September 22, 2006
eigth_note_baby (13 points)
Posted by eigth_note_baby
patrick is right it is nearly impossible to get a picc. in tine says my band teacher that and the pitch is a lot harder to get out start with a concert flute and work your way up. the note i would think would also be easier to learn on a concert flute since it is bigger.... i amy self am having issues switching to picc. at the moment
Re: advice from people
07:06 on Friday, September 22, 2006
le_koukou (47 points)
Regarding the choice between traverso/flute, one could add that it will also depends on the other instruments your are playing with becuse of the volume of tone needed. The traverso is a much quieter instrument than the flute.
For my taste the traverso is a good match for the recorder, the acoustic guitar or the harpsichord. The flute is better I think for playing with louder instrument like a piano.
I would feel a little sorry for the traverso who is playing with a piano or for the acoustic guitar who is playing a duo with a Boehm flute.
Re: advice from people
19:17 on Saturday, September 23, 2006
Re: advice from people
19:26 on Saturday, September 23, 2006
Re: advice from people
22:21 on Saturday, September 23, 2006
Re: advice from people
22:43 on Saturday, September 23, 2006
Re: advice from people
00:35 on Sunday, September 24, 2006
Re: advice from people
08:58 on Sunday, September 24, 2006