switching from flute to brass :o
20:52 on Wednesday, August 15, 2007
allie51093 (3 points)
i play flute, and my band indtructor wants me to switch to a brass instrument.
i have to choose between trombone and the french horn.......i dont know what to do.
im nervus that playing a brass instrument will mess up my flute embouchure. i really want to play the trombone, but my friend says i should do the french horn......this is really confusing. and just in case your wondering, ive played flute for 4 years and ive gotten pretty good, i dont want to mess that up.
Re: switching from flute to brass :o
22:32 on Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Re: switching from flute to brass :o
05:05 on Thursday, August 16, 2007
Re: switching from flute to brass :o
16:39 on Thursday, August 16, 2007
Re: switching from flute to brass :o
22:36 on Thursday, August 16, 2007
Re: switching from flute to brass :o
00:01 on Friday, August 17, 2007
StephenK (395 points)
You should give the oboe or even a clarinet a try.
If you find you love the oboe at first blow then that is a blessing, since most can't take the feedback and want to quit. If you persevere the feedback goes away and you'll find that as a flutist you'll be more capable on the oboe than other doublers. You'll have endless solo opportunities and music written with parts intended for the oboe can be very fulfilling. However if your band plays simplistic band pieces the oboe becomes far too much effort for its worth vs the flute really fast. What really gives the oboe its prestige is that when the oboe is involved with well written music, it can become an all powerful divine soul-wrenching force that raptures anyone in ears reach. Simply amazing to experience and everyone will just look at you and wow over a single note.
I play both and I find the flute overall more fulfilling and a joy until a certain special piece pops up that requires an oboe which can really make one question which instrument one prefers. A bad reed day will remind you of the superiority of the flute.
The clarinet would be a good double since the fingering system is odd (for a flutist) and best to deal with early. It would be very useful if you had any desire to play in musicals where you would be expected to play multiple instruments (usually flute/clarinet/sax).
The flute would need to be practiced alongside your double or your double will get better and your flute far worse! You may find that your flute skills can improve with doubling if you balance it right (with the flute as your main focus).