I had my audition today
I had my audition today
18:40 on Monday, December 10, 2007
jose_luis (2369 points)
It was good and not so good. I had to accompany another student and we could not practise enough together. We both got lost and stumbled for about a measure, but we could recover and ended the piece without much blushing, or so I hope.
The piece I had prepared more carefully went OK. My teacher played the B.C of the Largo from Haendel's Sonata 367B (B minor). It is rather easy,(though it has a few 1/32s) and maybe we played it too slowly, but I prefer this, as I still get nervous in auditions. Someone out there doesn't?
In this school we "are invited" to perform in auditions each quarter. I like the challenge, no matter how stressing it can be, as I think I will finally get used to the experience.
I was expecting my teacher could bring the bass flute for the B.C but it was not possible, so she used the standard C instrument. It still sounded beautiful, though a little "strange".
My sight is not helping me. My right eye has increasing problems and I will have to undergo cataract surgery. So far, OK. But when?
Too old for my own eye lens, too young for surgery. How long will I have to wait?
Right now I need lots of light and the room had not enough. I wear gradual glasses and they are fine and handsome, but a pain in the eye to keep the notes in focus. This is probably why I got lost.
I have much difficulty in memorizing the scores and the idea of not being able to read well enough in the future really upsets me.
But I keep working.
Re: I had my audition today
15:15 on Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Re: I had my audition today
16:53 on Monday, December 17, 2007
Account Closed (324 points)
Dear jose_luis:
Regarding auditions:
I once posted the words of Doriot Dwyer (told to me) === and the words of Jeanne Baxtresser, regarding auditions on a thread that I originally posted (and was burned at the stake for daring to post it!).
But I hope I can help with "nervousness".
Your quote:
"and maybe we played it too slowly, but I prefer this, as I still get nervous in auditions. Someone out there doesn't?"
My answer:
Never be nervous at auditions. When I was in band and orchestra in my teens, I never used to be "nervous" or afraid of auditions. In fact, I looked forward to them? Why?
It's easy. I used to use "reverse psychology" on myself (long before it ever became a "catch phrase"). I used to tell myself that I could care less whether or not I win the audition --- I'm out there to please myself --- not the conductor, nor the audience, nor the panel --- just to play for and please myself. That helped settle my "nerves".
Then, I would "convice myself" that I was the very best flutist who would play. This is, of course, "nonsense" --- but it worked for me!
Finally --- I don't know where you audition --- but in my high school band and orchestra we always had the option of "challenging", if we felt we were unfarily passed over. Also, even if I "lost" this audition ---- I knew there would be others.
Just play your heart out --- bring passion to your playing (that's often what musical directors look for --- not always "technical profficiency" --- but inspiration!) Is your playing inspired? Do you love what you're playing? Believe it or not --- that's what they often look for ---- and that has been my finding. I "won" over others who were more talented than I, because I made the "panel" or musical director believe in my playing.
Just be yourself. Flute playing is all about relaxing and enjoying yourself. Who cares about the "judges"?
Don't be nervous. Just bring your own playing to the competition. Enjoy yourself === and tell yourself that "you're looking forward to the audition" ---- it gives you a chance to "strut your stuff".
Meanwhile, good luck with your eye problem. I'm sure it will work out for you.
Hope this helps. Regards, Jim
Re: I had my audition today
03:33 on Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Re: I had my audition today
12:03 on Tuesday, December 18, 2007