Re: private lessons?
14:02 on Wednesday, July 7, 2004
If you want to be a really good flutist,it is best to take private lessons.I do!Especially if you come from a band that kinda stinks(like mine),and they do not play hard music,it is best to take lessons and get into the better music.
Re: private lessons
16:30 on Thursday, July 8, 2004
how do you play vibrato on the flute may i ask?
10:41 on Friday, July 9, 2004
It`s a bit difficult to explain... it`s different from the violin, where you can at least SEE it and get the general idea. It`s done in the stomach, not the throat (which some beginners might do, and is bad)... it`s just a fluctuation of the pitch by changing the air flow, very quickly. In slow motion, it would be the air speeding up, then slowing down, over and over again.
I don`t think I explained that very well at all, sorry.
Re: private lessons?
16:44 on Tuesday, July 27, 2004
I take flute/piano/trombone lessons.
Private Lessons
16:48 on Thursday, July 29, 2004
I have been playing flute and piccolo for almost for years now. i just got to high school and already beat the section leader that was playing piccolo. it got some people mad but most were impressed and i havent gotten a single lesson since i started. imagine what i could do with lessons?
Re: private lessons?
11:45 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
(M. A.)
I`ve only taken piano lessons. I taught myself the sax, clarinet, and flute. But right now I`m getting guitar lessons.
my teacher
14:30 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
and if anyone has heard of Dr.Gerald Welker (slim chance) he is my teacher.
Private lessons get you places
19:13 on Monday, August 16, 2004
(The Pink Flutist)
I started taking private lessons in grade 9, and have since studied with 4 flutists in the toronto area... elizabeth rutter, kathleen rudolph, susan hoeppner and nora schulman. Without these very talented flutists giving me the guidance that they did, I dont think that I would have made it to where I am now (I`m a flute performance major at western university). By taking private lessons you get the perspectives of other teachers, performance techniques and skills, as well a link to the music performance community. The only way to get somewhere in music is to know people... and one really good way is to take private lessons. Even if it isnt the best teacher in your community, they will know people who can help you out on your journey.