A video that made my blood boil!!!!
23:48 on Saturday, November 8, 2008
Account Closed (3248 points)
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
01:15 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
04:04 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
jose_luis (2369 points)
This kind of shows is essentially aggressive for us. So it is normal we have negative reactions.
I had a negative reaction with a similar video some time ago, in that case the 4x4 was replaced by a hammer. But then I apologized, because the author felt I was not understanding the idea behind destructing a crap flute in front of a camera. And he/she was right. I did not understand it and still don't, but I have to accept his/her right to do it. And even to find it funny (for them).
To be positive, somehow these things could be taken as "performances" in the old sense of the 60/70s.
Also, they could be fun for different people, those trying to find new thrills (and not trills) at any cost. This is the case, I suppose, of the youngsters doing this in the video.
However to most musicians, young or older, it makes us feel sort of a knot forming in our throats. So I hope this video and the hill of comments it is producing, do not trigger a wave of imitation in other fellow musicians, here or anywhere.
In spite of the love-hate relationship we could have at certain moments with a failing instrument, contention would be the right answer to our primary destruction impulses...
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
06:14 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
08:28 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
09:45 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
10:44 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
15:47 on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Go-Home-and-Prac tice
Posted by Go-Home-and-Practice
I know an underprivileged 5th grader with a lot of potential who would have been ecstatic to play that Gemienhardt!
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
05:25 on Monday, November 10, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
05:57 on Monday, November 10, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
13:37 on Monday, November 10, 2008
jose_luis (2369 points)
We love our instruments. I believe that in a way, we are in love with them. Any mistreatment (by others), we take as unacceptably aggressive. We suffer for them.
From this point of view, a flute cannot be a simple object, one that can be disposed of when its useful life has elapsed. Even to make an object of art or a simple house decoration piece from an instrument that was once live in our hands can be a difficult decision.
But the truth is that they are objects as any other object, thousands of them are manufactured each year and for many the final end is the waste.
The width of the final corpse (be it hammered, pressed by car tires or steamrolled over or yet some other method to be seen), is not important.
Making fun of its destruction can be fine for those who do not hold them in high respect or esteem, but as is evident in this thread, this cannot be accepted for most people who love music and the tools that make it possible. Or so I think...
Re-reading my final conclusion I acknowledge it could be rough on some memebers of the Forum. I wish I could erase the sentence, but it is not possible. I was not thinking in them when I wrote it and I want to apologize once more. Sorry indeed.
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
14:17 on Monday, November 10, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
06:13 on Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bilbo (1340 points)
Again, to somewhat restate my beliefs on this issue.
Disregarding that it is a flute at all.
This object is being functionally destroyed.
There are two questions that come to my mind at this point.
1) Whose object is it really? This child most likely didn't purchase it and as a result is subject to whether or not the purchaser (probably a parent) did in fact "give it" to them or simply entrust it to them. Some parents may think that these sort of actions are acceptable. They may then laugh uncontrollably when the next object up the chain to be destroyed is the family vehicle or possibly even the family pet. Obviously, I would not.
2) These children are showing a distinctly affluent mentality of disregard for respect of property. They say in their argument that it's worthless because it's 8 or 9 years old. Their judgment of it's value may be simply biased as a means to support their argument and is more than likely not an accurate assessment of it's value. If a store owner or repair person said that it's worthless then that may be another thing. If the parent was standing by cheering, then of course I'd back off. Age of an instrument isn't as relevant as some child may think.
Here's a flute that is probably three times that age that is a flute of some quality. (As many her know, the 600 series has actually been degraded to a lesser level since this following flute was made):
What if that child was doing this to some dumb old violin for example, that happened to have been made by Guinari or Stradivarius?
3) There are some things that I would not want my students to "learn" by bumping into this video accidentally. This includes a malicious damage, disassembly or destruction of their musical instruments, books, music stands or any other educational equipment.
So, the real question is, what would the parent think about this and actually not what do we think. BUT I think also that in an age where family "conservative values" should be maintained, if a child is doing something bad, being naughty or disrespectful then do we as non-parental adults have an obligation to step in somehow? Do we have the authority to show them that their actions are unacceptable and wrong? This is the way that it used to be around my community when I was growing up. I'd say yes because children learn not just by what we do and say but also by what we don't do and say.
So now that vid has been removed by the user. I wonder if they just didn't like the negative comments or if they came to realize that the comments had a kernel of merit.
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
06:35 on Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Re: A video that made my blood boil!!!!
06:50 on Tuesday, November 11, 2008