I have been told that Arista HJ are similar to Nagahara, with similar variables being equal (silver, riser). The cut has differente names, I do not know if they are similar also.
Any opinions?
Re: Arista vrs Nagahara HJs 17:57 on Thursday, October 1, 2009
It has been a while since I compared the two side by side but to me they sounded very similar but of course played a bit different. I would be happy with either one and think they are of the same caliber, both great headjoints. As you know, Nagahara is harder to get a hold of when you live outside the US without paying a very hefty price. I am wondering if an Arista would be easier to get a hold of and perhaps that company might be more flexible? At any rate, I know it is a lot of money to pay if you are unable to try it first, but I am willing to bet that you would be a lot further ahead and much happier with one of these headjoints instead of your current one. Good luck!