Zevang (491 points)
Quite a choice you have to make. If your current flute is really solid and good as you tell, I would have it serviced and try to see if it really works, assuming that its mechanism would last for, say, another 10 years. A good technician could tell.
But why would you do that? Because in my opinion, with only 200 pounds (it stays at the range of US$ 500.00 I think) it gets difficult for you to acquire a new flute that could be really good, you probably would find only student models. You may find a used item, just like Patrick said, you may go to a store and try used flutes to see if one can fit. A good instrument store normally offers warranty.
You may also find a store like Fluteworld at the USA, that sends a couple of flutes for you to try, during, say, a week, so if you like one, just return the others (and pay for that one, of course... :-)
I feel more like you must give a try to your old flute, but send it to a really good technician to a complete revision, or most likely to an overhaul. If it's well done, you will have almost a brand new flute for many years to come.