laurenkaye17 (8 points)
So I play on a Pearl 765CODA with a Forza headjoint. I love this flute, but on Friday, my jazz band took a side trip to the music store we all deal with. I decided to play one of the flutes, and the tag on it said it was a Yamaha 481. I've played the Yamaha 400 series before, and was never impressed, but when I blew into this flute I was blown away. I played on it for a while, and then looked at the barrel to find that this was actually a Yamaha 784. I LOVED it. Seeing as I recently got my flute, I don't think my mom is going to be interested in buying me a nearly $6000 flute right now.
I do know that I can get the Yamaha EC or K headjoints for about $700; I also know of some used headjoints from Muramatsu, Miyazawa, Brannen, Sankyo, Burkart, and other high end names that are all in my price range. Would upgrading my headjoint be a good way to improve my sound without spending thousands on an entirely new flute?