lowest note
lowest note
21:59 on Sunday, September 8, 2013
Re: lowest note
10:31 on Monday, September 9, 2013
Re: lowest note
21:18 on Saturday, September 14, 2013
Tutti_Flutey (29 points)
If you take lessons, have your teacher test your flute for leaks, or if you have access to some other flutes you could play for a minute or two (school flutes, friend's flutes, etc.) and see if you can play low C on that flute. If you can, then your flute probably has a problem. I had the same problem on my old flute, and playing some other flutes made me aware of the problem with it. I took it in for a service and the problem was fixed, and I later replaced it for other reasons. IF your flute does not have a problem, then make sure you aren't accidentally hitting any keys you shouldn't be. If your flute doesn't have a problem and you aren't hitting any extra keys, try aiming the airstream slightly downwards more into the flute, and drop your jaw and move it slightly backwards. I hope this helps!
Re: lowest note
03:52 on Monday, October 28, 2013