help please!
18:58 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
I recently just got a polishing cloth for my flute, and the cloth is made by York, and when I use it on the flute it leaves a silver/blackish colored residue on the cloth, is this bad? Is it stripping away silver from my flute? Please help, i`m concerned, thanks
- falling4ever3
Re: help please!
19:15 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
It`s only natural for your flute to leave a residue on the cloth: you`re rubbing the dirt and tarnish off. It`s like whiping your dirty hands off on a towel before washing them in the sink: stuff comes off.
Unless parts of your flute are flaking off, I wouldn`t be worried.
Re: help please!
21:42 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
Well that`s what I thought at first, but I cleaned the same spot a couple of times and it would still have black-silverish residue left on the cloth, my flute is not that dirty! lol..
Re: help please!
21:56 on Sunday, February 1, 2004
(a person)
Mine does that too and I just got my new one at christmas. Its okay, dont worry about it.
Re: help please!
11:54 on Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Yeah, this is normal especially for silver. My flute can look perfectly clean and stuff still comes off on the polishing cloth. It`s nothing to be worried about unless you intentionally rub one spot over and over hours and days and weeks at a time, then maybe you`ll wear a little bit off.
So, don`t be overly concerned, just keep your flute free from spit and fingerprints when you put it away and enjoy the playing of it!