cant find c flat fingering
cant find c flat fingering
16:23 on Friday, February 13, 2004
(c flat hater)
is there such thing as a high c flat fingering i couldn`t find one.
Re: cant find c flat fingering
16:57 on Friday, February 13, 2004
No, there is a C#. Chromatic scale is C, C# ( Db ), D, D# ( Eb ), E, F, F# ( Gb ), G, G # ( Ab ), A, A # ( Bb ), B, C.
If you look around in your books and on the internet there are some really good flute charts.
Re: cant find c flat fingering
16:59 on Friday, February 13, 2004
PS, the notes in parenthesis are the same as the one before it; therefore C# and Db are the same, etc, etc.
Re: cant find c flat fingering
17:28 on Friday, February 13, 2004
C flat is B natural.
Re: cant find c flat fingering
16:05 on Saturday, February 14, 2004
(a person)
There is a c flat, its a B natural