Has anyone done the Tournament of Roses Parade?
17:13 on Monday, April 26, 2004
I just wanted to know how many flutists have experienced marching in the Rose Bowl Parade? Or are going to in 2005?
We`re going to spend one week practicing our marching skills and have some special video tapers record every move.
I just want to know everyone`s experience from the day they heard their director(s) say they will audition for the parade.
Re: Has anyone done the Tournament of Roses Parade?
17:52 on Monday, April 26, 2004
I marched the 2003 rose parade. OMG. It was a great experience but I honestly dont think I will do it again, ever.
It was a lot of work physically and in a weird way mentally.
Re: Has anyone done the Tournament of Roses Parade?
20:41 on Monday, April 26, 2004
could you describe a little more. when you said: "mentally" did you mean as in you had to continue to focus and think ahead. For physically, was the 5 1/2 mile burned you out? Was your band the first one to get to the end of the route? I better start lifting weights (lol sounds funny but if I have to hold my flute for the entire time then....i better. plus, I play tennis)
thanks for posting!
Re: Has anyone done the Tournament of Roses Parade?
23:22 on Monday, April 26, 2004
I think you definately have to prepare physically because its a long 5 1/2 miles and can get pretty painful no matter how prepared you are. Menatlly because you just have to keep focused like you said and kind of will yourself to go on when you`re hurting and want to quit. I hope that helps, sorry I wasnt very specific before, I was kinda in a hurry.
Re: Has anyone done the Tournament of Roses Parade?
22:14 on Thursday, April 29, 2004
today it was like 68-70 degree fahrenheit in my town which is considered warm for us (pacific northwest)
and tomorrow in the afternoon we`re doing our taping. the weather is
Afternoon (1:00pm-6:00pm)
79 - 83
N-SE 5 mph
Temperatures will stay near 81 with today`s high of 83 occurring around 4:00pm. Skies will be sunny to mostly sunny with 5 MPH winds from the north turning from the southeast as the afternoon progresses.
I`m gonna be so freaking hot!