need help on playing flute hehe
05:39 on Monday, October 4, 2004
umm hi my name is justine but i go by babii_jay i was searching the net n i found this place its so kewl well ya.. i`ve been playing the flute for only a month and i don`t really noe wat pulsing is yet but i hope i get to later on... i only noe how to play b flat well the first 6 notes my teacher taught the band... i live in japan serving as a military brat( my dasds in the navy) and ya.. can someone explain to me wat pulsing means? hehe..
10:37 on Monday, October 4, 2004
Well, I think plusing or vibrato is a slight variation in the tuning of your tone. I am not sure though. It sounds kind of like waves if you do it right. Sorry I couldn`t be much help
18:47 on Thursday, October 7, 2004
vibrato is simply fluxuating your pitch. you use your diaphram for the best results. tense and untense to vary air pressure. you want to keep it consistant so it doesnt sound aweful... is some jazz and other than classical styles you will speed it up for a certain effect.... vibrato adds movement to parts when you are holding notes, its beautiful.. however you do NOT want to tune with vibrato, as it alters the pitch... also do NOT use it on moving parts, it will sound bad... hope this helped =P.... oh, also vibrato makes your sound sound louder... its not really, but it seems that way.. so its good for effect... if your playing piano, or pianiccimo you might not want to use it.. but if you are doing a cresendo from that to a louder dynamic, start bringing in the vibrato as you increse sound... its a EXCELLENT effect...
19:57 on Thursday, October 7, 2004
Andrew is pretty much correct. Last year I was really nervous for live audition and at the end of my audition my teacher was like: "Wow, you`ve got some vibrato" And of course I`m like, "Huh?" And my private teacher said that I was adding some vibrato. But I think my vibrato comes from being nervous? It`s kinda natural to me. But my teacher did say this to me:
You don`t want to use your throat too much because that can close off your airway, which we do not want.
19:46 on Saturday, October 9, 2004
When you`re nervous, you might shake a bit and it`ll cause vibrato...happens during playing tests and challenges in my band class all the time.