20:05 on Saturday, August 28, 2004
(Bootstrap Bill)
Well, I played oboe for about two years in band, and now I`m playing bassoon (which I hate.) I`m looking to switching to flute. I`m buying my friends old flute that she used to play when she was in high school. If I don`t end up switching I plan on playing flute during marching and pep band season..but anyways.
I was wondering how hard the flute is to pick up for someone who`s had a bit of experience with different instruments. I mean, of course it`s going to be difficult, but how would you compare it to say, the oboe?
Thanks guys,
Re: Starting...
21:17 on Saturday, August 28, 2004
well, this is my fifth year playing oboe, never tried bassoon yet b/c I can`t get my hands on one....anyways, I tought myself flute in one week (I pick up instruments easily though, and I had already known how to play fife) and maybe since you`ve played oboe and it`s harder than a lot of other instruments, it should be easy for you to pick up. I`m playing flute in the stands during marching band (though I`m gonna ask my director if I could do oboe in stands b/c I like it more) but I`m actually doing pit for the shows and everything, can`t wait for concert season when I can play oboe in band again....anyways, I`m sure you`ll be able to pick up the flute if you really want to. the oboe and flute aren`t actually that similar; ie diff. embouchures, fingerings (very few same fingerings), stuff like that. Best of Luck!
Re: Starting...
22:12 on Saturday, August 28, 2004
One of the most important things you`ll need to do at first is relax your air flow and pressure. I remember the first time I tried to play the flute after playing the oboe... I got a bunch of harmonics because I was still stuck on the air pressure required for the oboe.
The flute takes MUCH more air than the oboe though so you`ll need to work on that.
Um... what else. Fingerings, obviously. Some of them are similar. There are a few upper-middle range note fingerings that are "identical" (well, as close as you can get, considering these are two completely different instruments). G#, for example.
I don`t know anything about the bassoon so I can`t help you there.
Re: Starting...
04:29 on Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I have a friend that plays bassoon and plays flute for marching season (well actually is switching to mellophone this year)
but she started out on flute and then switched to bassoon...
I don`t know how hard it is for an oboe to switch to flute but my friend plays well on flute even though she is better on bassoon.
My only word of advice is don`t give up if it doesn`t sound perfect the first time, there really isn`t any other instrument like the flute. (except in the flute family; picc, fife alto flute ect.)
(all brass can be switched around pretty easy and from what I`ve heard it is easier to switch from a reed instrument to a different reed instrument)
If it doesn`t seem to be working for you try lessons... and if you change your mind about flute at least you have the oboe (I like the sound of the oboe ^^)