Pan American flute
22:01 on Monday, November 29, 2004
This is mostly directed to Meme, but if anyone else can answer, please have at it!
I found an old Pan American flute at a resale shop and purchased it mostly because it`s quite curious. The body and foot joint are one piece, the Eb key has a metal stopper under it instead of cork, the springs appear to be gold, the Bb trill isn`t a Bb trill but actually engages the thumb key mechanism, and the pads appear to be some sort of rubber. Of course, it leaks like a sieve, but since I didn`t really buy it to play, I`m not too concerned about that. It`s a closed hole, C foot flute and appears to be made of nickel silver because it`s more grey rather than tarnished.
Have you ever come across a flute like this or maybe have some idea of it`s history?
Re: Pan American flute
22:53 on Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Re: Pan American flute
02:57 on Wednesday, December 8, 2004
When I started out as a technician I bought specialised pivot screws for Pan American flutes for stock, but then never encountered one of the flutes.
The `gold` springs are probably phosphor-bronze, which has a gold colour. Or possibly gold plated.
A metal `stopper` instead of cork would be silly and noisy. Often flutes have a larger piece of metal with a thin piece of cork under it.
The B-C trill you describe is not uncommon.
I know nothing of its history, but you will get thousands of hits through a google search.
Re: Pan American flute
00:45 on Saturday, December 11, 2004
Thanks for the info. The metal stopper under the Eb key almost looks like one of the posts and is soldered directly to the flute body. There is a thin layer of cork glued to the underside of the key so they don`t actually clack together.
Thanks again
Re: Pan American flute
06:23 on Saturday, December 11, 2004
Actually quite common, in one form or another.