Yamaha YCL221 Bass Clarinet.
23:48 on Tuesday, June 28, 2005
(Riki TheOboist)
My friend is a Bass Clarinetist, and she`s been looking into renting or possibly buying a Yamaha YCL221 BC, it`s a two piece BC, and she loves it cause it`s smaller and easier to move around. Have any of you guys tried it? How do you like it? Would you recommend it?
Re: Yamaha YCL221 Bass Clarinet.
19:36 on Tuesday, July 5, 2005
(Jimmy C.)
that`s the bass clarinet that my school just bought, and it`s great, except for the throat tones are a little weak and when you get up to high E above the high c (above the staff) the notes dont work very well and can be VERY flat, but i dont think you ever need those notes on the bass clarinet.
Re: Yamaha YCL221 Bass Clarinet.
15:54 on Sunday, July 10, 2005
The throat notes and higher notes on the Bass Clarinet also sound like that when starting to play the Bass Clarinet. It isn`t the clarinet, you just need some practise and control. The Yamaha is better than the older one-piece, but still produces a flat tone, and needs constant repair. Its easier to handle though!
Re: Yamaha YCL221 Bass Clarinet.
18:40 on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
(Logan G)
Awesome BC. I play this instrument for my schools jazz band. Its awesome. The neck is kind of hard to get used to but after that it plays like a bute.