wooden clarinets
14:18 on Wednesday, August 17, 2005
is it true that you should play it for a half hour a day for the first two weeks?will it crack from over use?!
Re: wooden clarinets
22:39 on Saturday, August 27, 2005
When i first got my clarinet i played it for abt 1hr a day for a month without realising it may have been detrimental to it. But luckily it was fine.
Supposedly you need to oil the wood on a regular basis during the first 6 or so months of buying it to prevent cracking. And taking it to a servicer when you first buy it is also another thing i didnt do that i was supposed to.
When you first buy a clarinet it`s `raw` you might say. The servicer needs to adjust the corks etc, so that it works properly and doesnt break. =s
Re: wooden clarinets
15:38 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
you need to give your clarinet time to adapt to the changes in humidity associated with playing.
play 15 min 1st week
30 min 2nd week
45 min 3rd week
60 min 4th week
after then as long as you want to.
hope this helps.
Re: wooden clarinets
17:08 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Well, I don`t know if that`s true. But when I first got my wooden clarinet it was in the winter time. I played it probably 2 or 3 hrs at first because I was so honored to have a wooden clarinet. LOL.
I know for a fact though that wooden clarinets are more likely to crack in the winter time.