Recording Clarinets

Recording Clarinets    23:54 on Tuesday, June 27, 2006          


I have a new clarinet enroute to my house, and as It is a step up from my last one... I would like to start recording on it. I have tried using a microphone in the bell, and various other places as well, but wherever I put it, I can't seem to make it sound good enough to pout into recordings... any suggestions on how to go about this?

Re: Recording Clarinets    11:07 on Tuesday, July 4, 2006          

(16 points)
Posted by clarinez

clarinets are notorious to mic up, because the sounds comes out through the whole instrument not just through the bell. Therefore, you also have a lot of air sound as well.

Unfortunately |I dont know a way round it. There are clarinet microphones out there, but I have heard people praise them and slate them alike, and they are pretty pricey.

Your best bet would be to try a music terch website or something.

Ill have a look if i come across anything, Ill post. Good luck


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