Clarinet Exams
Clarinet Exams
15:39 on Monday, July 10, 2006
mad-maxi-clarine t
Posted by mad-maxi-clarinet
I've been taking clarinet lessons for around nine months now and my teacher hasn't mentioned anything about exams. Should I have takon any exams by now? I saw a message on another forum saying that somebody had takon 0-4 grades in one term! Can anyone answer my problem??
Re: Clarinet Exams
17:15 on Monday, July 10, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
09:30 on Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
16:49 on Wednesday, August 2, 2006
shelly_belly (60 points)
this is prob a bit late but I just discovered this site!
I personally have been playing the clarinet for four years and I only took my grade one last year. I could have taken it a lot earlier but chose not to, the only reason I took the grade one was because it was the first grade exam I had taken even though I have been a musician for about eight years now, the only thing that was holding me back was a fear a failure.
I am now skipping grades two and three and taking grade four at xmas. I would take my grade five but I'm really bad because I never practise my scales so I settled for grade four.
most people take their grades for a sense of achievement but I don't feel I need them to tell me how good I am. I also play the piano, have done for four years, and have never taken a grade and don't intend to. But it's different for different people, do what you want, don't let anyone force you into it, or put you off it, but one thing I will say is that don't ever let it interfere with your love of the instrument, that is when you know you shouldn't be doing something, when it kills your love for something. Hope that helps.
Re: Clarinet Exams
21:25 on Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
14:23 on Thursday, August 3, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
16:09 on Thursday, August 3, 2006
shelly_belly (60 points)
im assuming you don't do grade exams in the US, i'm from england and over here we have exams known as grades, the lowest being grade 1 the highest being grade 8, for each grade you have to have three pieces prepared (one from each of the three lists A, B and C), you have to be able to play certain scales and arpeggios over a certain amount of octaves, (specific to the grade you're taking, obviously the number of scales and difficulty increases as you go through the grades), in addition you have to do an aural exam which is stuff like the examiner playing an extract of a piece and you tapping the pulse and stating the time signature of the piece, singing back a phrase, describing rhytmic changes etc. and lastly sight reading a piece. Exam is out of 150 marks you need 100 to pass, 110 (or 120 i can't remember) to pass with a merit, and 130 to pass with distinction. Does that clear up any confusion anyone had?
Re: Clarinet Exams
23:13 on Thursday, August 3, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
09:00 on Tuesday, August 8, 2006
mad-maxi-clarine t
Posted by mad-maxi-clarinet
i dont get what any of you are talikijng about anymore!:0
Re: Clarinet Exams
16:13 on Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Re: Clarinet Exams
00:03 on Saturday, August 19, 2006
Dennis (587 points)
I believe it is called ABRSM exams, correct? These are really done in the UK. Not many people in the US tend to take these exams. All it does is progress you along a certain path to get you ready for a certain test. These tests happen to be in playing, theory, that sort. You learn things from your teacher (note fingerings, scales, intervals, and pieces of music). Each test has certain things you have to accomplish satisfactorily to pass that level. They go from grade 1-8, and then have a couple letters after that (which I believe is for University). We in the US tend to do Solo and Ensemble as our "test". Our private teachers help us choose the right piece based on difficulty, and where your skill level is. Dependent upon your state, the skill level changes. Some states are numbered 1-X where 1 is low and X is their highest number (most of the time it's 6 or 7), or sometimes it's reversed where X is the lowest and 1 is the highest. Then some states have letters! We only do solos and ensembles for our "tests", though. I don't know of any state giving a testat Solo and Ensemble competitions.