Someone mentioned saying "ta" when you tongue.
Our school bandleader, who until he retired last year had taught band for 27 years and knows pretty much every note on any of the instruments in the band, always taught the same "ta" sound. It should not sound spitty, or you're not doing it correctly. Your tongue should lightly touch the roof of your mouth, gently cutting off the airflow. Another reason you might sound a bit spitty and sloppy is if the reed isn't on properly. You sometimes end up with a weird, wet buzzing sound when you tongue if it isn't. Other than that, practicepracticepracticepractice. It isn't going to suddenly be there one day if you don't work at it constantly. No matter what you're playing, don't let yourself get sloppy. It may be frustrating, but you'll sound better in the long run.