There are hardly any good topics on oiling your wood clarinet. Look up Naylors custom wind repair on the net and you will be amazed at the data and evidence of oiling your clarinet. I highly reccomend buying this stuff and use it! My R-13 has never played better! It stabalizes the sound, gives the clarinet a great ressonance and it helps to practically eleminate cracking. Oiling is very important and can keep your clarinet playing like new for lifetimes. Wood is organic should you not hydrate it with oil to keep it from drying out from saliva and temperature changes?
30 years ago I think everyone used bore oil. 15-20 years ago I think everyone said it's bad because it "dulls' the sound. Now it seems to be a mix of opinion. I used to oil all my clarinets monthly, but the last 15 years I do it twice a year. Who knows?