leave the kids alone
00:01 on Thursday, July 31, 2003
abrogard I think you should be ashamed of yourself. This guy`s obviously a kid and he`s having problems being `grown up`.... so he sounds irritating and illogical etc.... does it really matter?
He gets up your nose... so what? It`s his problem, not yours.
I thought your posting was okay, no problem.. leave it at that, you don`t have to take on the job of rearing difficult kids, too...
Yep. Clarinets are worth what you can get for them... just like anything else.
And basically you can see what they are worth by looking at the new models, just like abrogard says.
boozy clarinets
00:06 on Thursday, July 31, 2003
I`ll agree with controck. Nothing more boring than egos displaying themselves.
I had a wooden clarinet I used to feed beer into regularly. Kept it wonderfully in condition. It was a Boosey and Hawke.....
Wooden Clarinets
00:31 on Thursday, July 31, 2003
Yes, I am a very difficult kid. If you want to talk about ego problems and what not, then that`s your perogative and I respect your opinions. Fighting is not a good thing ofcourse, but I believe I had said earlier that every case is different, and I was just kinda annoyed at what Abrogard said which I still say is generalization. I kinda wanted to close off all this "collectors item/ what is my clarinet worth" ramble because off subject topics are never of any help to the person who started the thread, and people with similar questions to hers which is who we are here to "help". If someone had another question the appropriate thing to do would be to start a new thread that way other posters could better serve their purpose. If I am such a truly annoying, ignorant, illogical brat then why couldn`t Abrogard just shut me up with the facts? I have nothing against any of the posters/readers here and I was not mad, but I was challenging something Abrogard said and to me his posts were very vague and for the most part not really helpful to anyone. Sure someone can go by what he has said, but I`ve spent a lot of time studying "the art of clarinetistry" and money as well. I`ve actually talked to instrument collectors, and clarinet collectors in particular who have everything from the Contra bass right up to the Ab Sopranino. There is really no case I have come across recently enough to have in my mind where a clarinet was worth more used. There are many rumors and theories floating around and clarinets have had so many advances that the really old clarinets are no longer desirable (anything before 1950 or so). Clarinets after that are challenged by discounts on new horns (clarinets being the most heavily discounted instruments in the business) so in order for anyone to buy a used R13 the price would have to be lower substantially than that of the new R13 model. When people were asking for value I thought they meant how much they could get for it if they sold it. If you mean value to you then call the company or ask someone who would know from a music store or something. From the features on clarinets I can pretty much tell you if it is professional, intermediate, or student, and with companies no longer in business but once were big like Boosey and Hawkes- I can tell you from the model name/number.
I really marvel at the fact that I am the one being told to not post here when I am the only one providing any relevant "help" that`s not too vague to understand. If you guys want that type of "no knowledge just basically babble" forum then just tell me.
This is soooooo boring.....
04:25 on Thursday, July 31, 2003
Thi sis so boring... i`ll bettheyr allguys...i notice abrogardhasn`t said anthing tho` sincehe ansered whatwas truly an unfair personal attack...wheresthis guycominfrom...i`m the onlyonegivin ansers...?
Re: Wooden Clarinets
17:14 on Sunday, August 3, 2003
You all are talking about bore oil and i dont play clarint(i play oboe and flute) but my teacher and she uses a thing called a dampit insted of the oil i use one too for my oboe
Re: Wooden Clarinets
20:00 on Sunday, August 3, 2003
Bradley, you said in one of the very first posts that there was a Buffet E12. Errr......there is no such thing.......
Wooden Clarinets
21:25 on Sunday, August 3, 2003
Oh really.....
Why don`t you go check again before you make comments like that.
Wooden Clarinets
21:27 on Sunday, August 3, 2003
Looks like in that very same post I forgot to mention the Conservatory or "C" line Buffets.
another old clarinet
16:49 on Tuesday, August 12, 2003
I have a clarinet I played years ago and recently had it cleaned and repadded for my daughter to begin playing. I`m curious about its value but don`t know how to figure that out since e-bay doesn`t have a similar one for sale (I`m new to e-bay). Does anyone know what a person would pay for a Selmer Paris model 10 (#V0517)?
leave the kids alone
20:13 on Tuesday, August 12, 2003
If you mean Series 10, then that is a pretty good clarinet. I have seen them go for up to $500-$600 on eBay, depending on the condition ofcourse.
Good luck to your daughter and her playing....
Re: Wooden Clarinets
00:30 on Wednesday, August 13, 2003
On the cracking issue, perhaps it depends on where you live. I live in the deep south part of America, very humid climate, and I have never once had my clarinet crack. It is a D.Noblet Leblanc, very, very old. I have personally owned it for about 15 years, and it was an antique before I even purchased it. I have tried to play plastic, but it just does not even compare to the quality of tone that you will get from wood. I would NEVER buy plastic, but then again there are probably people out there that would never buy wood. It is a personal choice.
Wooden Clarinets
17:28 on Thursday, August 14, 2003
(Amanda Taylor)
Do you really have to "wear in" wooden clarinets as someone said in an earlier post? How much does it generally cost to get a crack fixed?
As for the old clarinet question, ebay is a good place to research and find out how much people are willing to pay for something. In my experience, old clarinets don`t sell well on ebay (they go very cheap), even if they are in relatively good condition.
leave the kids alone
19:50 on Thursday, August 14, 2003
Well- yes, you do have to "wear in" wooden clarinets. You also have to "wear in" yourself to the new horn to know it`s tendencies for each note, which will improve your sound to a great extent. I dont think you can really put a price on crack repairs because it depends on the crack, the repairman, the clarinet, the wood- so many things that it`s hard to estimate.
Wooden clarinets
11:37 on Friday, August 15, 2003
(Amanda Taylor)
What I mean by "wear in" is play it for short intervals a couple of times a day when it`s first purchased, rather than practicing for hours. Whoever said you have to do this when you purchase a new clarinet also implied that many problems (cracks, etc.) will arise if you don`t.
If you could let me know exactly how to go about "wearing in" a wooden clarinet, that would be great! That is, if what I mentioned above is correct.
Leave the Kids Alone
14:21 on Friday, August 15, 2003
I never did anything like that when i first got my clarinet. I just played it as often as i had my rented plastic clarinet. I do have problems w/ my clarinet having corks falling out, but i don`t think it`s a result of that but a result of the clarinet being poorly manufactured. I never got any cracks either, so i don`t know what u should do.