Wooden vs Plastic
16:24 on Sunday, February 6, 2005
I started playing on a Buffet beginner clarinet, and now I play an R13. There is much difference in tone quality and just your sound overall. I would definetly get a wooden clarinet if you plan on playing more advancely.
Buying: If you are planning on buying a wooden clarinet, don`t fall into the thinking of this brand is better than that. Go to a place where they have many types. Where I went I played 5 r13 and about 3 leblancs. You want to play more than 1 or 2 because of a lot of why you pick that clarinet is based on personal preference, how you like your sound, etc., and how it feels switching registers and what type of tone and feeling you want.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
23:51 on Sunday, February 6, 2005
Actually, I have a wooden clarinet, 50 years old, and it`s value is x20 not kidding. A wooden clarinet can be hard to use, if you are serious about playing and want to put the time into a wooden clarinet do it!! A plastic clarinet is for beginners and really only beginners. Wooden clarinets offer a richer quality sound and blends in with an orchestra or a dark sounding band really well. Depending on your climate you will need to oil the bore. In minnesota I have it done 2 times a yaer. I just take it in and have everything checked. there are dozens of models to choose from and you can try three at a time with woodwind brasswind. Thats a great thing becuase you can send one back and get a different one to try until you find one you like. ALWAYS try the instrument before you buy it. Wood can be temperamental and every instrument plays differently because of that.
18:20 on Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Buffet R13
23:05 on Wednesday, February 9, 2005
(Tage Rauen)
I think wood sounds better, my R13 is better sounding than my Conn wood clarinet, and much better than my first plastic one. The tone is better, and the new keys are so consistent and easy to control.
Does anyone know of a good comprehensive clarinet site with scales, music, maintenance info articles and stuff?
Carbon Fibre
23:07 on Wednesday, February 9, 2005
(Tage Rauen)
btw who has seen the new carbon fiber clarinets??
Re: Wooden Clarinets
06:13 on Thursday, February 10, 2005
Hi - has anyone heard of an YVET brand name clarinet - wooden?
I have a plastic bundy clarinet and i need to either get it fixed or replace it...someone suggested i buy a used YVET wooden clarinet to replace my plastic one - any suggestions? Thanx
noblet clarinet
17:20 on Tuesday, March 1, 2005
I just recently received a leblanc noblet #27 clarinet. I attend high school and my teacher says he`d rather me purchase an E11. The guy i`m borrowing this from said it`s a professional instrument and i`m hearing that the E11 is an intermediate. I`ve been playing for about 8 years but i really need advice on this. Is there a difference between the two? The one i have and the E11 i would buy are both made of grenadilla wood but what`s the difference between them? Is one better than the other?
wooden clarinets
17:21 on Tuesday, March 1, 2005
I just recently received a leblanc noblet #27 clarinet. I attend high school and my teacher says he`d rather me purchase an E11. The guy i`m borrowing this from said it`s a professional instrument and i`m hearing that the E11 is an intermediate. I`ve been playing for about 8 years but i really need advice on this. Is there a difference between the two? The one i have and the E11 i would buy are both made of grenadilla wood but what`s the difference between them? Is one better than the other?
Wooden Clarinets
21:24 on Monday, March 21, 2005
Yeah, my dad is a janitor at our middle school here in Rice Lake. And the band director was throwing out a bunch of instruments, so my dad took them and gave to me. One of the instruments was a wooden clarinet. It doesn`t play that well, but I`m going to fix it myself when I get the time.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
14:47 on Wednesday, March 30, 2005
i just got a brand new buffet e11 clarinet it`s the best!!!
i would recoment it 2 everyone
Re: Wooden Clarinets
18:37 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
(Heather S)
I have the yamaha allegro, and I love it! The instrument is soo pretty with the silver keys and gold posts. The Wood sounds so much better than plastic. A definate must in high school!
Re: Wooden Clarinets
20:02 on Monday, April 4, 2005
Re: Wooden Clarinets
11:35 on Thursday, July 28, 2005
Re: Wooden Clarinets
16:21 on Thursday, July 28, 2005
I find wooden clarinets easier to play!!! I had a plastic one and I didn`t really like it.
Re: Wooden Clarinets
15:58 on Tuesday, September 20, 2005
plastic would be better if ur n marching band because of the rain and wood gets ruined. But for just regular band class then well wood would be better.