03:37 on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
What board of music exams do you guys do? Which do you think are the hardest?
Re: Exams
00:21 on Monday, January 19, 2004
Well I do Royal, England, but I have a friend in Australia, the Royal pieces are 2 grades easier than AMEB. Like a gr 8 Royal piece would be a Gr 5 or 6 AMEB piece. And AMEB has a lot more technical work and pieces and other stuff 2 do for the exam. And I`ve heard AMEB are very tough markers.
Re: Exams
01:56 on Monday, January 19, 2004
I found something like this posted in another board.
I was comparing exams in UK and Asian countries. I see quite a few get distinction for grade 8 ABRSM in Asian countries (Malaysia and HK) but very little get even a pass in UK.
I used to be under ABRSM when studying piano and got distinctions in all exams. Now that I moved to Aust, and am taking exams under AMEB, it is much tougher. AMEB requires 4 exam pieces (compared to 3 in ABRSM), 1, 2 or 3 (depending on gr) additional pieces outside the exam list (extra list), lots of technical works like scales, scales in thirds, arpeggios, dominant and diminished sevenths, whole tone scales, broken chords etc with all different articulation and the ususal aural test and sight reading, transposition, general knowledge, memory. I notice exam pieces listed in 7th grade ABRSM is listed in 5th grade AMEB. A lot of pressure in AMEB exam.
Re: Exams
23:18 on Monday, January 19, 2004
I did AMEB. They do tend to be pretty tough, especially the amount of technical work in the higher grades, but it does give you a good foundation for your playing.
Re: Exams
02:55 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Yeah, I think the AMEB syllabus demands a lot more, and the standards, I think, are higher. That is compared to trinity, and ABRSM.
Re: Exams
09:40 on Saturday, January 22, 2005
I did grade 3 clarinet on ABRSM, but 5 and 6 on Trinity.
I also do ABRSM for piano (1,3,4,5).