Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
20:34 on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Has anyone played the Arnold Sonatina? It is one of my favourite pieces, I was wondering if you like it as much as I do. I especially like the third movement, which is really fast... I really like fast music.
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
00:23 on Monday, January 19, 2004
Yeah, I absolutely loved that piece when I was studying it. I liked the 3rd mvt the best, but I think the first is the hardest actually. Oh, actually the third is also really hard to perfect. I don`t particularly like the 2nd mvt that much, but its a good contrast.
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
02:57 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
I haven`t played it... what style of piece is it? And where could I listen to it?
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
03:09 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
03:13 on Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
14:10 on Friday, February 6, 2004
yeah i love this movement too. Thing is I`ve only played the first movement but I have heard the third one. The first one is great i love the sequencey bits and the runs. The third movement sounds pretty cool but really hard! Whats the second one like.
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
02:05 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
The second movement is slow, and flowing, to give contrast to the first and third movements. Its very relaxed. Its in compound time. The middle section of it is louder, with the clarinet coming in on the 3 quaver beat - a wierdish rhythm. The 2nd movement is supposed to be the easiest movement, but I play it the worst out of all 3 coz i don`t like practising slow pieces much. I`m better at fast pieces.
Re: This piece is awsome
02:21 on Wednesday, February 18, 2004
(in japan)
I love this piece too! I`m performing it next saturday in yokota for a festival, but only the first movement. Can anyone tell me where to hear a recording of it ASAP??
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
21:21 on Thursday, February 19, 2004
I played this piece a while back in a recital. Its great fun and should be played like you`re a crazy person. Its got all kinds of quirks (the 2nd movement`s strange tempo marking is a good example). The trick is to not play the 2nd movement too slow - if you do, the whole movement doesn`t really fit in with the other two which have this `mad as a march hare` kind of feel. I love the last movement - particularly in the unison shot chords with the piano. Hard to co-ordinate to make it REALLY effective though.
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
16:51 on Tuesday, February 24, 2004
I also love this piece, I find that it is a brilliant opener for a recital and gets the audience really excited. The only problem is by the time you get to the third movement it is hard to muster up enough energy to give it the drive it needs - good one for stamina!
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
16:46 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Re: Malcolm Arnold Sonatina
14:19 on Sunday, March 7, 2004
(Andy Prescott)
I am playing the second and third movements in a recital exam at the end of the month and need some guidance with prog notes. I will be eternally gratefull