too late???
13:31 on Saturday, June 19, 2004
I just wonder if 19 isn`t too late to start learning to play the clarinet. The aim of my learning is joining the marching team. I`m not the beginner in music but still this is a completely new instrument for me. How long it will take to gain the level of joining the orchestra of the wind???
Re: too late???
22:07 on Saturday, June 26, 2004
you`re never to old to learn to play. I`ve played for 15 years, been out of school for 10 and started playing again plus learning another instrument. You`re never to old. It takes time and persistence. I`ve found if the passion is there to play some hard work wouldn`t be a problem. I wouldn`t try pushing yourself to much, just keep with it and don`t give up. The key to being a good musician is practice. True talent cames from practice and love of what you`re doing. If playing is what you want to do and to join a group such as the one you mentioned, go for it and good luck.
Re: too late???
14:18 on Sunday, June 27, 2004
I know a person that plays in a perfessional polka band with me that started playin sax when he was 41 and he is so good that I can go to him for help with any problems. It took him a little whilt to learn how to read music and then learn the figerings but he says it really is a lot of fun.
Re: too late???
15:12 on Friday, July 2, 2004
not to late but your first year you may not be able to paly in the marching band because you will be in beginer band and you will be going over the basics like scales, tone, reding skills and more. my biggest suggestion when you join band is to get private lessons