Clarinet Ensembles
Clarinet Ensembles
02:13 on Wednesday, July 7, 2004
This past semester I started a clarinet ensemble at my college. We`re a small group looking for music that`s hard enough that it`ll keep us interested and make for enjoyable performances, but not so hard that we`re going to lose time focusing on our engineering classes to prepare for rehearsals. We`re a very low budget group (basically scraps that the orchestra gives us) and we`re looking for repitoire. We`re interested in classical, jazz, soundtrack, dixie, rock and roll, pretty much anything that`s a good arrangement of what it is that`s not overbearingly difficult. If anyone has suggestions either for pieces to look into or places to look for music, we`d appreciate the help.
Some examples of things we`ve got prepped are:
Bach - Jesu, Joy of Man`s Desiring
The Beatles - Elenor Rigby
Bach - Two Part Invention number I-don`t-remember-at-the-moment
Jamaican Farewell
We figure that`s not too bad for only about 3-6 rehearsals (depends on how many people have to be able to make it for you to consider it a full rehearsal), but we`re running out of stuff that we`re able to dig out of the school library (or my own) and would like to find something dependable.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Clarinet Ensembles
01:52 on Monday, July 12, 2004
That`s Awesome... I`m only a Sophomore in High School, and have only played the clarinet for almost a year now... I want to major in music in college though... I might suggest something by Schumann or Brahms... they`ve got some really good stuff... I`ve got a question for you though, how good do you have to be to get a music scholarship? And do grades matter, or how well you play? Neways, I hope you found this somewhat useful...