Hi all, new to this forum...
23:33 on Saturday, July 24, 2004
I played the clarinet when I was younger; 5th-8th grade and that was some 20 odd years ago
I`ve recentley been thinking of picking up a middle-of-the-road instrument and seeing if I couldn`t pick up where I left off. Problem is that I have no idea which direction to go. I have no idea what which brand I played back then (I think it was a rental) so I don`t know what`s a good beginner instrument.
Any help would be appreciated. I`ve been doing a little research and I think I`m going to go with a used horn. So far it seems that Leblanc, Selmer Paris or buffet may be the way to go.
Any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks in advance
Re: Hi all, new to this forum...
13:08 on Sunday, July 25, 2004
Are you looking for a student instrument?
If you go with the 4 big names then you should be fine. They are:
There is even a new clarinet called Forte that has come out. It has very good reviews if you want to check that out. http://www.forteclarinet.com
Re: Hi all, new to this forum...
01:53 on Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Re: Hi all, new to this forum...
06:18 on Tuesday, August 3, 2004
(Liz Ward)
Hanson is the best out there for the money, bar none.
Re: Hi all, new to this forum...
02:21 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
Hmm.....you could start with a buffet R13 or E11. Those seem ok to me.