getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
19:53 on Sunday, August 8, 2004
(Clarinet Kid)
how do you get a good tone on the high notes
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
18:58 on Monday, August 9, 2004
just like you would on any of the notes, use your diaphram, push the air fast and use extremely strong support. corners in, make sure you embouchure is tight and correct. same applies to all resigsters of all clarinets
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
08:37 on Tuesday, September 7, 2004
I read your message and I too like the clarinet
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
14:23 on Saturday, December 25, 2004
my bass clarinet jumps two octives at high G. Help!!!
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
18:05 on Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Good tone -- Your embouchure will be looser on bass than on soprano. Even so, keep the pressure even all the way around your mouth. Keep your breath support as well.
Jumping octaves -- You`re biting. Your embouchure needs to be looser on bass. It will be tighter when you go higher, but not so tight that it starts jumping. Relax a bit. If nothing you`re doing helps, take it to a repairman.
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
11:19 on Monday, May 30, 2005
I play bass clarinet and i know guess ou probibly just need to blow harder and experment w/ reeds size 3 usually helps get better tone.
Re: getting a good tone on the bass clarinet
19:01 on Sunday, July 10, 2005
I`ve played bass clarinet for 3 full years now so I`m still novice, but I know a few things about it. First of all, make sure you have a good reed. I use size 3 Vandorens and it works great. I had to do a solo with pretty much the whole thing above a middle C adn I used that reed and it worked terrific. Also open your throat and produce a steady, very fast, very supported air stream. Good luck!