Regarding lemonade...
19:21 on Wednesday, April 13, 2005
(Andrea in Michigan)
That`s a good way to get moldy reeds AND ruin your pads and the bore of your wood clarinet. You should always have a clean mouth when you play your clarinet because all of that food/drink/sugar residue goes down your instrument along with the saliva.
Work on your embochure, make sure your reeds are good, have good breath support and practice practice practice to get rid of those squeaks.
another reason
14:07 on Tuesday, May 3, 2005
does anyone know if a bad pad could cause squeeking?
01:02 on Wednesday, May 11, 2005
i have no idea why, but i only squeak during concerts... and that is bad.. hahaha...
yea, just some randomness from me.
so, can squeaking be connected to nervousness? i never squeak outside of concerts (mainly because, i mean, it`s hard to squeak)
last concert i did it twice in the most quiet song in our repetoire. talk about embarassing.
20:30 on Thursday, May 12, 2005
Ouch, that`s never fun...
I`ve been playing for six years now, and never had trouble playing in the high upper register. However, now I can rarely ever get those notes to sound right. I`m thinking it may be a bad pad, as this occurs on every reed I use. Could that be the problem?
ur problem bout upper register not wrkin
20:43 on Friday, May 20, 2005
I`m a clarinet player and i`ve had trouble with it to and i think you mite need to go in and check if its broken