bassoon techniques
10:09 on Tuesday, December 27, 2005
i am doing a music project and i need to know about the specific techniques that bassoon players can use such as trills, vibrato etc. can anyone help me?
Re: bassoon techniques
21:49 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
You can find out anything you want on these subjects on the web - if you can reach this forum, then you know how to google requests. There is all kinds of information out there, too numerous to list here. Just put in things like "bassoon fingering" or "bassoon trill fingering" or bassoon technique" name it. You`ll be surprised at the hundreds of documents you can pull up.
Re: bassoon techniques
19:35 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
Stuff like vibrato applies to most instruments. The most common unique technique is flicking. I`m sure theres a heck of a lot more, but you wont find them coming up in day-to-day playing.
Re: bassoon techniques
04:15 on Tuesday, January 3, 2006
You probably know about trills and vibrato because they`re the same as any other woodwind instrument. Glissandi are apparently possible by sliding fingers over the holes but to be honest they don`t sound great. Multi phonics (more than one note at time) can be obtained by special fingering or by singing a note while playing one. The range can be extended by sticking a rolled up piece of paper in the end to get lower notes. These are just suggestions and you can follow them up in more detail on google.