I was wondering if John Packer bassoons are any good, or if they just fall apart.
Also, I have seen used sonora bassoons at very low prices, and they look to be in very good condition. For example at Charles Music, they have a Sonora for $1900. Are Sonoras any good?
Re: John Packer and Sonora bassoons 02:53 on Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I haven't tried the Packer bassoons & don't where they are sourcing them from but they are a good firm so would hope they are not rubbish.
As to Sonora bassoons there are 2 possibilities. The Sonora model from Adler ('Sonora by O Adler' - or similar - on the bell) - OK student instruments no longer produced but I have always preferred the Oscar Adler models. I have also seen on-line ads for new Sonora instruments which are a different thing - no doubt, going by the prices, cheap ISOs (Instrument Shaped Objects) from the far east.