Spit in bassoon

Spit in bassoon    17:33 on Wednesday, December 19, 2007          

(1 point)
Posted by musicalnotes88

I've only been playing since May, but I'm doing fairly well on the bassoon. But to keep my reed wet while I'm playing, I end up spitting a whole lot through my bocal! So it makes this sort of clicking noise because of all the spit. My band director told me to blow out the bocal, but how can I reduce how much I spit into the bassoon? I don't like it when it happens in the middle of a song. It's not cool!

Also, maybe this is just because I'm still getting used to the double reed, but my lips get SO sore when I have to play for measures on end without a break! any suggestions?


Re: Spit in bassoon    18:39 on Wednesday, December 19, 2007          

(126 points)
Posted by MercifulMe

The lip thing has a simple answer.. play more xD!! It will help you develop a better embouchure so you don't have to worry about sore lips.

As for spit, this sounds really crazy, but it works. Make a mental effort to not let spit get into your bocal. You'd be surprised that it actually works, because when you don't think about it, you might actually have a lot of spit in your mouth between the parts you have to play, and I know I sometimes don't swallow it (which I should, because then it just ends up in my instrument). I know it sounds stupid, but just give it a try.

Re: Spit in bassoon    20:54 on Wednesday, December 19, 2007          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

It's not a crime to have to blow out the bocal after every song or two. Just take the bocal off (and the reed, too) and blow into the reed end of the bocal. Some horns seem to collect moisture in the bocal. If it's an emergency and you're in the middle of a piece, just take the reed off and blow hard through the bocal. The moisture will end up in your horn, of course, but it might not cause as much clicking and popping as it would if it stayed in the bocal.

Re: Spit in bassoon    14:06 on Sunday, December 23, 2007          

(14 points)
Posted by Kits

I've only been bassooning for a little while but play oboe too. The lip problems a hard one. one idea is to play more, however, i play my oboe for hours every week what with lessons, practices and several bands and my lips hurt loads the morning after I play for a long time. Quite often the get the top layer rubbed of and weep and then I can't play for days. The best thing ive found is tomousturise them loads with really thinck things like vaseling when they dont hurt and then to use something like blistex(medicated cream) when they do. When they split and weep I have to abstain from playing for a few days and break them back in gentely. Hope this helps!


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