I want to play bassoon
23:17 on Wednesday, December 3, 2003
Re: I want to play bassoon
12:02 on Monday, December 8, 2003
You should pursue playing the bassoon. It`s a great way to get scholarships into college. There are great resources available on the web including bassoon.org, idrs.org, or just type in bassoon in a search engine like google or yaho. You could continue on trumpet for marching band if that`s an interest.
Re: I want to play bassoon
15:16 on Saturday, December 27, 2003
The bassoon isn`t that hard to play once you get the hang of it, especially if you can already play another instrument. The only thing that`s hard is the bass clef if you can`t read it already. Good luck anyway.
Re: I want to play bassoon
18:00 on Sunday, January 18, 2004
I love playing bassoon, and not being a freshman yet, am not sure if it will be a career, but as to how hard it is, the bass clef part i feel is only a minor detail, it is mainly tone, intonation, and fingering (almost everything) if you start, do not be discouraged due to a bad tone. You just need to keep working at it, and remember, every bassoonist is having the same trouble you are with fingerings etc.
Re: I want to play bassoon
06:40 on Friday, February 13, 2004
A bassoon is all about daily consistent hard practice. If you are having fingering problems, play scales and arppeggios involving the fingers at varying tempos until you are smooth with everything. After you accomplish that, find something else to correct and keep going.
Re: I want to play bassoon
20:54 on Monday, February 16, 2004
i just began playing bassoon in October and i found the hardest part was switching my embrochure..
Re: I want to play bassoon
21:07 on Thursday, March 18, 2004
I`ve been playing saxophone (all five) since fifth grade and I`m in seventh or middle school. So I`ve been playing saxophones for three years. I`ve always played treble cleff, but I found out that to use the bass cleff you just take it a note lower on the line or in the spaces. I`m really worrying about that the reeds are going to be hard to play through, since bassoons have 2 and saxophones only have 1. I would like to know; is it harder to change to the bass clef or is it the reeds?
Re: I want to play bassoon
23:03 on Monday, May 10, 2004
i played the bassoon for like 5 years. and before that i used to play violin. it was really hard to switch from treble cleff to bass cleff, and now i`m learing tenor cleff. i think the hardest part of playing the bassoon is the highter octaves
Re: I want to play bassoon
10:50 on Thursday, June 3, 2004
Re: I want to play bassoon
23:43 on Thursday, June 3, 2004
I was playing trombone for three years before my friend who plays oboe got me into bassoon. I borrowed one from my middle school teacher and learned it in a flash.
How long did it take you guys? It took me about a month of long, hard, practice.
PS. My friends call it a giant bong
Re: I want to play bassoon
19:23 on Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Definately pursue it. I had to play the clarinet in elementary, because you couldn`t play bassoon then (your fingers are too small i think). It takes a little bit to get used to streching your fingers so far. For you the biggest difference would probably be the form of your mouth, but if you stick too it, it`ll come.
Re: I want to play bassoon
10:28 on Thursday, June 17, 2004
When I first started playing bassoon, I read the treble clef notes instead of bass clef. I saw a B instead of a D. I practiced for hours when I first got the bassoon home. I played though books and scales. My arm go tired a lot but then I just took breaks. My arm doesn`t get tired anymore. I could play with my concert band in about three weeks.
Re: I want to play bassoon
17:55 on Sunday, June 20, 2004
i play bassoon it`s kinda hard
Re: I want to play bassoon
18:04 on Sunday, June 20, 2004
i paly bassoon if u wanna play it go ahead but justk now it takes a lot of hard work and practice it`s all about the bassoons! i use to play oboe but i got switched cuz they needed a good player to switch i guess it`s okay .man scales r hard to play well not really just the fingerings.
Re: I want to play bassoon
08:50 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
i play bassoon to and i switched from clairinet. you have to study a lot if you are switching clefs but if not then you will have fun. also,if you are good and you are the only one playing it then you usually get a lot of attention. well, im only 11 so it might be different for you but other wise i think you`ll have fun unless you are the person that doesn`t likem to be unique.