pretty good

pretty good    00:13 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I like your sound; it`s very clear and your articulation is very jazzy. Not any major issues with your timing either. Your sound and timing are the two key aspects of your playing that shows a lot of promise in the future. Keep up the work.

The only thing I hear that might lead to bad habits is the squeezed last note. I have a colleague who thinks he has a high range. However, when he plays up there, he pushes down on the lead pipe with his finger in order to push out the high notes (at which point I cringe). I`m not saying that you`re doing this, but the last note sounded like it was played a different way. The high register should generally be played the same way as the low register so that it is accessible without extra physical movement. In other words, it`ll be more efficient.

- to all those with negative comments: those who haven`t cacked a note shall cast the first stone.

Thanks    02:52 on Friday, September 2, 2005          
(Ben Burch)
Posted by Archived posts

Ok, thanks for the comments

HEY!    14:48 on Friday, September 2, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

hey, you guys!!
Stop flaming ben! Just because he`s not as good as you, don`t
tell him he sucks!!!
BTW: I`m in 7th grade, been playing 2 years, and can play a high c too.


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