Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    17:57 on Friday, December 16, 2005          
(MMHS trumpet player)
Posted by Archived posts

Bach Strat man for sure.Or maybe a Yamaha, perferably an Allegro.
But if your lookin for a cheap but good trumpet.Go to eBay man.Itz hella reliable. Found a Bach Strat Pro SP for lik $300

BEWARE eBay    07:21 on Saturday, December 17, 2005          
(Greg Piette)
Posted by Archived posts

I`ve been a long time SELLER?BUYER on eBay: and if you look at the completed auctions in an analytical way you`ll fing that quality trumpets of any brand almost never sell below 70% of reputable music store outlets. So for 30% you take a risk and most often you`ll have no warranty other than what ebay offers, which can be terribly inadequate. SO DON`T BELIEVE IT. IF IT`S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. IT IS!

What does the MM in MMHS stand for? Disney?!

Greg Piette
Professional player

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    09:47 on Saturday, December 17, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

actually bach is very nice, but it mostly depends on the type of music you want to plat, there aren`t many blues and jazz players that use bach,the best is prob. a monet check it out, i myself would like to get a flumpet from monet, but with a price tag of around $8,000, i got bills, so i play out of a king flair a red one, i play in a 9 piece blues band from out of rhode island, my band website is
check it out

350-450 trumpet    14:50 on Saturday, December 17, 2005          
(Greg Piette)
Posted by Archived posts

People.... You`ve all lost sight of the fact that this guys original question was what `good` trumpet can I get for between $350-$400. AND IN ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION!!!
A Yamaha student horn or Bach TR300 will do very nicely without breaking the bank. Come on, Frank, are you kidding me; a Monet. Geez


NEW SUBJECT or Question    15:35 on Saturday, December 17, 2005          
(Greg Piette)
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Guys: I really think we`ve worn out this question; to where its become an, `I got a better horn than you" sort of thing.

With all due respect, I move that we put this question to BED!

All in favor say `EY`!


Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    20:17 on Thursday, June 15, 2006          

(4 points)
Posted by turn1

Stumbled across this forum...Bump to the top, hahaha.

If you are willing to spend $400, then get yourself the best $400 trumpet whether it's a used/new horn, doesn't matter. If you don't practice, no matter how much you spend you won't sound good, maybe just to your mommy.

I played a King 2000 from 7th grade until I finished college. I was 1st chair and played in all the gifted and talented bands, honor band, select bands, marching competition, jazz competition, and even toured Europe. It was good enough school and I had a full college scholarship thanks to my horn.

I didn't play it after that and now it sits. I still want a Schilke, just cause it's the !***!. Some things you have to experience owning once in your life and owning a Schilke is one of my life goals, haha.

If you want a free horn I'm be happy to ship it to you at your expense. Maybe it could get a new lease on life. It's silver w/1st valve trigger and I'll throw in the gig bag.

Good luck with your decision, which I assume you've made by now, haha.

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    18:14 on Saturday, June 17, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by javi

what do all u pros think about a getzen 700,s eterna

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    22:55 on Wednesday, June 28, 2006          

(32 points)
Posted by myoung23

Don't know getzen, but selmer is starting get a good name. Guess it has to do with their takeover of Bach.

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    08:16 on Saturday, July 1, 2006          

(118 points)
Posted by shmuckonwheels

Didn't this guy post this about three years ago?? I imagine he's already found himself a trumpet.

Re: What Trumpet makers are the Best quality ??    09:21 on Monday, July 3, 2006          

(32 points)
Posted by myoung23

You never know, three years ago I kept on saying "I'm going to buy a trumpet", and only just bought one recently.


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